Windows 10 loading animation gif png
Windows 10 loading animation gif png

windows 10 loading animation gif png

Optional ByVal diFlags As DI_FLAGS = DI_NORMAL) As LongĭrawIconEx hDC, LeftPx, TopPx, hIcons(Frame) Optional ByVal hbrFlickerFreeDraw As Long = WIN32_NULL, _ Private Declare Function DrawIconEx Lib "user32" ( _ Private Declare Function DestroyIcon Lib "user32" (ByVal hIcon As Long) As Long Private Declare Function CreateIconIndirect Lib "user32" (ByRef piconinfo As ICONINFO) As Long (Imaged removed to give room for a later posting) There tend to be some differences in the blended areas, "AlphaBlend API (premultiplied)" v "Straight alpha", as exemplified below: However, Alpha Blend may still be required when the destination image is 32-BPP - in this case AlphaBlend API becomes necessary, unless you have your own non-premultiplied subroutine to use (not easy to develope a correct one, believe me). Because the frame images in the subject strip are already the processed ones, hence we are spared of the Alpha Blend processes among the individual frames themselves when the file specified that the Blend Op for a particular frame is AlphaBlend (as contrast to the other Blend Op). Next i- A little bit of time should be deducted from the "1 second" requirement, for the the time used in processing AlphaBend. (Pause 1 second as thread starter specified) "Render" to destination.hDC, 0, 0, w, h, from Strip.hDC, x, y Image first - here we can just BltBlt the stored copy back to its orig pos) (Before rendering a frame after the first frame, reclaim the original destinaion

windows 10 loading animation gif png

Code: (Store away the destination image first, say of area from to )

Windows 10 loading animation gif png