OS X Mountain Lion was the successor of Mac OS X Lion and was succeeded by Mac OS X Mavericks. The only way to clear the notification was to complete the action associated with the particular alert. Small pop-up was used in display as notifications. The app was used to provide an overview and alerts form applications. It was also the first macOS who introduced the notification center to users.

And by Jmore than 28 million more were sold. Still, costing around 19.99$ for the users a total of 3 million copies were sold in the first four days. Operating system before Mountain Lion was always purchased, however, after the Mountain Lion all the versions were sold for free and it was the last paid upgrade. Mountain Lion was the start of macOS being sold free of cost as all of the successors of Mountain Lion were free of cost. It was released on Jon Mac App Store and was purchased around 19.99$. This change has brought Apple the option to release updates every year instead of their traditional every two years or so.

As, Apple has released the operating system with the only available only on the Mac App Store. The goal behind the operating system was to create an OS with better management and synchronizing between different Apple products. Mac OS X Mountain Lion 10.8 is the ninth major release of the OS family.